Calls and Cayugas 2020

OMG!! More dux? Why?
I put the brooder babies out in the duck house in an enclosure, and after one night the mama with the youngest babies decided she wanted them all. She wouldn't stop yelling for them and they were peeping at her too. I let them out of their little pen I set up and they joined her and the others. 😆
That is so super sweet and cool that she wanted mooore babies. Thats just amazing wish I was there to watch and listen, And the baaby sister pics are cute too. Seen a trio of 'wild' ducks this week while boating with the family have some pics I'll try to post later. They looked alot like the cayugas though likely if really wild are wild mallards. They came way way out on the lake to smooze chips and stuff didn't like apples but lived bbq ships my grand son and grand daughters were throwing out. Just one at first the two more came out whern they seen the 'bounty'. Made me wnat to hurry home to get my enclosure and ponds done.

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