Calm White egg layer breeds?


6 Years
Apr 5, 2014
We wear cowboy hats here guess where?
I'm Putting together the my list for breeds i want for the spring and i know mostly what i want but i also wanted a calm white layer i have a white leghorn right now and i don't think she will be staying. She is very flighty and is normally one of the last to roost at night which will not do. Does anyone know of a white egg layer that isn't so skittish i don't like chasing her around the yard every night but i want a white egg layer in my flock. If it helps any i would like to buy from ideal
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For calm, Barred Hollands (calmest white egg layers I have had) and WFB Spanish would be my picks of the ones they have, they also have a Production Black that is supposed to be a white egg layer that sounds interesting, I've never had them.
If you don't mind hybrids, Austra Whites are very calm and productive white layers (although sometimes their eggs are an offwhite).
For calm, Barred Hollands (calmest white egg layers I have had) and WFB Spanish would be my picks of the ones they have, they also have a Production Black that is supposed to be a white egg layer that sounds interesting, I've never had them.
i have heard of barred Hollands but for some reason I couldn't add them to my cart last spring
.. but that production black sounds nice I wouldn't mind adding a few darker coloured birds to my flock.

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