Campine Chicken thread?

Slanted? I'm not sure what that means...... You could guess, based on color, but it would be a guess. I have been able to tell on some by pattern, but that was only after the fact ("I think that one is a cock because the color on his head is more saturated and has well defined edges, compared to the others.") but there were other males without the same distinction. Did that make sense? You will be able to tell in a week or two on some and at three weeks, you should know on most of them. Be patient!
Here are my two roosters. They both came from a breeder in Texas. I hope to get them some lady friends by this fall...


Here are my two roosters. They both came from a breeder in Texas. I hope to get them some lady friends by this fall...



Some of the better looking Silvers I've seen lately. I see quite a few nice Goldens but not many nice Silvers.
Yes, Adam (the first pic) is the father and Eva (the one the hawk took last week) was his mom. Are you keeping him? I may be interested in getting him if not......

Any recent pics?
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Yes, Adam (the first pic) is the father and Eva (the one the hawk took last week) was his mom. Are you keeping him? I may be interested in getting him if not......

Any recent pics?

I am so sorry about the hawk.
Yes, I am going to keep him. In fact I wish that I had a Silver Campine hen for him. I have been looking around but I can't find a good quality one. He is getting very pretty and he is very protective over the Barred Rock chick that is in there with him. I will let them free range sometimes and he is always leading her around and watching out for her. Sorry, the pictures are not the best. He would not stay still.

Please ignore the duck tape. I put trash bags on the floor of the brooder before I put the shavings in so that it would easier to clean out. I had to use the duck tape to keep the trash bags up.
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