Campine Chicken thread?

Does anyone here have campine hens from mpc? If so, what is their average laying rate? I ordered a campine pullet from My Pet Chicken, but I ended up with a roo instead. I am considering keeping him as a breeding rooster for the rest of my flock when it comes time to replace birds, but if his ofspring will have a poor laying rate, I will just buy chicks instead.
Does anyone here have campine hens from mpc? If so, what is their average laying rate? I ordered a campine pullet from My Pet Chicken, but I ended up with a roo instead. I am considering keeping him as a breeding rooster for the rest of my flock when it comes time to replace birds, but if his ofspring will have a poor laying rate, I will just buy chicks instead.
My first Campine was from MPC. She was a wonderful little hen and my first layer at 21 weeks. She laid 5-6 eggs a week for me in her prime and then 4-5 a week as a 4 and 5 year old. I loved that little hen. I have 9, 11 week olds now and I can hardly wait to see them grow up. They flock together as they race around the yard. For now they have their own portable coop/run, and know that home is where the treats are. One of the little cockerels herds in any stragglers.

My current little group came from eggs from @Wisher1000 and they are lovely birds. I highly recommend both Campines and @Wisher1000 .

My current little group came from eggs from @Wisher1000 and they are lovely birds. I highly recommend both Campines and @Wisher1000 .

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you. Just ignore the white (actually splash) Breda Fowl in the middle. She is the only remaining Breda in that hatch (sold the others). They are gorgeous. This picture was taken May 3. They were about 8 weeks old at the time.

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