Campine Chicken thread?

no just the roosters,and when they crow they break the sound barrier
I have 2 of them in a small coop with an attached run with 7 pullets and a Breda Fowl cockerel. When the 3 boys get going, it is REALLY LOUD.

I've decided which cockerel to keep, but no one around here wants a trio of Campines right now. The girls just started laying, and I need to move some of them out of their quarters SOON. The Breda is easy. If he behaves himself he gets to live with the mixed breeds in the main run. If he doesn't, he will become soup. The Campine boy is just too nice to butcher.

If anyone in the eastern Kansas area is looking for some really nice silver Campines (trio or quad), get in touch with me. They are from Wisher1000's eggs and they are amazing. I just don't have the space for all of them to stay.
Nice Goldens, Swanmperkk.

Sharol, take them to a show, enter them, and sell them there. They look great, really nice. You know you can use that little Golden hen with your Silver cock, right? Or just keep her for a pretty little egg machine.
My goodness. Has anyone tried bringing in a new chicken with a campine?!! She's mean. Real mean. And she's a she and crows like she's trying to be a rooster. Seriously. Could she be anymore ridiculous?!
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I had a production red hen that layed faithfully for nearly a year. Then, she stopped laying, became aggressive, grew larger and darker red comb and wattles, tried to mount other hens and CROWED! She never went back to laying and was essentially a rooster until her/his death.
I had a production red hen that layed faithfully for nearly a year.  Then, she stopped laying, became aggressive, grew larger and darker red comb and wattles, tried to mount other hens and CROWED!  She never went back to laying and was essentially a rooster until her/his death.

Good lord.

She's 18 weeks. Does her comb look male? Do they mature late? She crows but everyone insists she's a pullet. I honestly have no idea.

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