
May 12, 2022
I have a 12 day old chick who i’ve been kind of suspecting is a rooster based on his behavior. But of course, only time will tell.

Today, I heard a weird noise coming from the brooder, so I went to check it out because it sounded like maybe a chick was getting pecked? But once I got over there, it was that one suspected rooster. He did it again, and he curved his neck while he did the noise just like some of our roosters? He doesn’t seem to be in pain or injured or anything. Was he trying to crow? Can they even try to crow at this age? That may be a stupid question because he’s so young but I thought I’d ask anyways. I tried to get a video of it but once he saw the camera he stopped, I guess he got scared.
Baby cockerels can crow. I was skeptical until I got a six week old chick that was mounting the other chicks, tidbitting, and making the most improbably squeaky little crow. He was precocious and aggressive. I culled him due to his nasty little temperament.
Some advantages to being a late starter. :lau
But once I got over there, it was that one suspected rooster. He did it again, and he curved his neck while he did the noise just like some of our roosters? He doesn’t seem to be in pain or injured or anything. Was he trying to crow?
3 weeks has been my youngest so far.. but it doesn't surprise me! It's gotta be the cutest most pathetic thing ever!

Some have shown there male traits from the very first day of hatch.

Video would be great, but thanks for sharing still. :pop
3 weeks has been my youngest so far.. but it doesn't surprise me! It's gotta be the cutest most pathetic thing ever!

Some have shown there male traits from the very first day of hatch.

Video would be great, but thanks for sharing still. :pop
That’s so early! Wow I had no idea they could crow this early.

If I manage to get a video I’ll definitely share it!

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