can a chick be raised alone?

nope. i have 5 ducks, they are 100% imprinted and love spending time with people. they NEED to have other ducks though just like chickens need other chickens. don’t get animals you don’t research properly and can’t care for the right way.

a single chicken would also need to live indoors and be brought EVERYWHERE you go, not being left alone for any amount of time. you won’t be able to go anywhere without stressing him out.
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It's not ideal but when I was a kid I raised one chick by himself from a chick to a full grown beautiful rooster. He was the absolute best chicken I have ever had. He never lost his love for me even when he was in a large coop with 10+ hens to himself. It takes a lot of time and attention but it is possible. Good luck :)
The chick you have will become your own personal buddy. It will need 10x more attention. Giving them a rubber duck is always nice. My friend raised a duck alone and now she is a big girl. Just know she might get separation anxiety. I have they issue with one of my lovely girls. I have 3 chickens that don’t/ can’t live with other birds. They have a hotel they argue each have a floor. I give them all the love and care I can. You will be fine.
can a chick be raised alone? how?, I buy only one chick not knowing that they are social, can I raised alone? , buying another chick is not a opcion sadly.
I never tried it but don’t let people bully you based on there emotions. You can bond with it. At the end of the day it is an animal not a child. The whole flock animal thing is a bit much. I have a few chickens who I’m sure would prefer to be alone (always alone anyway). How many times have you seen one Canadian goose? All the time, I see one goose regularly while out hunting. Yet they are flock animals.

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