can a chick be raised alone?

can a chick be raised alone? how?, I buy only one chick not knowing that they are social, can I raised alone? , buying another chick is not a opcion sadly.
They can be raised alone, they just become more like a cat, following you everywhere, always under your feet. But I can be quite sweet to be mom to a chicky!
Maby They should of done more research Before getting one Chic. when someone asks a Question sometimes the answer is NO . This doesn't make the person answering mean or offensive . The Question is should I raise a Chicken alone ,the answer is No. I have 32 Hens and 2 Roosters and Life is

Maby They should of done more research Before getting one Chic. when someone asks a Question sometimes the answer is NO . This doesn't make the person answering mean or offensive . The Question is should I raise a Chicken alone ,the answer is No. I have 32 Hens and 2 Roosters and Life is just Grand.
The original OP did not say if they started with more than one chick and the others all died.
The original OP didn't say if knowledgable parents are involved, nor can we assume if the OP is an adult.
I agree stating a yes or no answer may be the way to answer but,
Our BYC forum is for people of all ages to ask questions and Learn.
I would like to hope that being less blunt or making the suggestion of someone being less Chicken educated would be a consideration for how peeps respond to a post.
Making derogatory remarks about how much or how little knowledge than another is not a positive learning experience on BYC.
Fortunately, I have learned so much on this kind forum from the "experts" with educational banners. I've also been fortunate to afford Poultry Veterinarian books to help me along to explain and help others with chicken crisis.
So, on a Bright and Positive note, let's continue to be positive and explain answers that might be ones the OP as adults or young teenagers want to read.
Learn, Explain and Educate.
That's all I'm going to say.
this guy raised a chick alone, but his chicken was allowed inside to be more of a pet, enjoy the video
we have a chicky hospital in our livingroom in the large c-through rubbermaide like tub with a venilated lid. one of our chiken got herself stuck behind a door and broke her foot. so we brought her in dressed her wounds and made a little chicky apartment. we kept her there for 2 weeks taking her out once a day to be with the other hens, but they pecked her and she tends to hide which is probably why she got hurt in the first place.
Best case scenario is that it have a companion. When my hen abandoned her nest, my doxie and chihuahuas took over mothering the chicks. One chick still wants to follow them around and has to be put in with its flock mates ever time it escapes. A feather duster in the brooder, proper heat for warmth, a mirror, plenty of company and planning on having a house chicken. Flock awareness keeps them alive outside. Good luck with your chick!
The original OP did not say if they started with more than one chick and the others all died.
The original OP didn't say if knowledgable parents are involved, nor can we assume if the OP is an adult.
I agree stating a yes or no answer may be the way to answer but,
Our BYC forum is for people of all ages to ask questions and Learn.
I would like to hope that being less blunt or making the suggestion of someone being less Chicken educated would be a consideration for how peeps respond to a post.
Making derogatory remarks about how much or how little knowledge than another is not a positive learning experience on BYC.
Fortunately, I have learned so much on this kind forum from the "experts" with educational banners. I've also been fortunate to afford Poultry Veterinarian books to help me along to explain and help others with chicken crisis.
So, on a Bright and Positive note, let's continue to be positive and explain answers that might be ones the OP as adults or young teenagers want to read.
Learn, Explain and Educate.
That's all I'm going to say.
There was not a single slight in my comment .unless you want to read into something into it that is not there.(and you have that right ) my comment was that one answer was telling the Original Questioner that raising one chick by itself was not a good idea ,and that person was being told to be more considerate of the one person's feelings . My comment was that a correct answer should not be attacked ,in no way, shape, or form was i being an adversary toward anyone if that was the way i came off that SORRY . and i am sincere about that . Have a great day and lets keep being Great Stewards to out Live Stock , and Friends to each other

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