Can a goose be given Baytril?


9 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Southern Minnesota
I just realized that my Sebastopol gander has severe bumblefoot. He has two large bumble sores (about the size of a quarter) on the outsides of both of his foot pads. He also has a couple of smaller bumble sores along his toes. I'm going to try to clean them out tonight, but I have a feeling I will need to use an antibiotic.

I found this on Metzer farm's bumblefoot page. "Different types of antibiotic have been used to cure the problem: one pill (22.7mg) per day of Baytril."

I have 16 (22.7 mg) Baytril taste tablets left over from when our cats were sick. Should I begin giving him 1 tablet per day? If so, how long should I administer them?
Thanks RURU.

I also found this:

"Baytril is the most effective and safe antibiotic for remedying bumblefoot. Many of our Majestic rescues have come to us with this type of foot ailment. One pill of 22mg Baytril is administered daily until the swelling disappears and any black scabs are no longer prevalent. This can range from a few weeks to a few months of intervention. Some vets will also recommend foot washes/antiseptics. "
If you have the time, I'd love to see the information. I'm having trouble finding a dosage for geese.

The only information on the bottle is that they are 22.7 mg Bayril tablets. It doesn't mention a dosage. These pills are leftover from last month when our cats were sick.

I'm pretty sure that I can give him a tablet a day (he weighs about 9 pounds), but I want to be certain.
If you have the time, I'd love to see the information. I'm having trouble finding a dosage for geese.

The only information on the bottle is that they are 22.7 mg Bayril tablets. It doesn't mention a dosage. These pills are leftover from last month when our cats were sick.

I'm pretty sure that I can give him a tablet a day (he weighs about 9 pounds), but I want to be certain.
I keep the 15mg here, so i expect the ones you havde may be ok, but why not google it..there´s a whole lot of information on using Baytril for poultry, including geese, together with the dosage. some of the info is from BYC.

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