Can a human hatch a chicken egg without an incubator?


I squeak, therefore I am
11 Years
Jul 5, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Hi everyone,

I have a really stupid newbie question. But I did a search and couldn't find a discussion here.

Is it possible for a human to hatch an egg without an incubator, say by keeping it warm and wearing it under a hat or in a money belt or something?

This isn't something I plan to try. I was just wondering if it had ever been done. Perhaps a broody hen walked off her eggs and skived off, but the person didn't have access to an incubator to save the egg the normal way so the person just wore the egg for the last few days.



(PulletDay - 1 and counting!)
* I've seen some of the ladies talk about carrying eggs in their bra, (sometimes with unfortunate results) but that was usually early and only until they got the eggs into an incubator of some sort. Haven't read of anyone (so far) doing the whole 2O-23 day stint.
Your body temp us 98.6. Chicken eggs average 101 - 102 degrees for incubation in a still air environment. Those 2 - 4 degrees do count for a lot. It is possible with dilligence that it can be done. There was an old thread here somewhere that a woman did hatch 1 egg. Many have tried but nearly all have failed.

If you try it I hope you don't get a weak shelled egg or one that decides to start weeping.
Sure, but imagine the ad copy:

Lift... separate... incubate.


(pullets minus 9 hours and counting)
* That "lift, separate, incubate" line was my first great chuckle for today!!!! Ever thought about an audition for "Last Comic Standing" or sit com writing??? That line was pure gold!!
I remember there was a contest once-- and someone- a man- did successfuly hatch a chick- in his nether regions-LOL.It was back when there was only one BYC- seems he had created a a pocket so the skin oils wouldn't contaminate the eggs as well as keeping hte temperature warm.several women tried- and one woman as I recall broke her egg during the night -LOL

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