Only one of my 9 eggs made it out alive, well 2 did but had to cull 1 earlier. So, since my other chicks are 2 & 3 weeks older than the lone ranger I'm left with, can it make it with no siblings? Right now it is sleeping in my lap on a piece of a pillow case all bundled up. Its been peeping really loud like it was lonesome. When I picked it up it quit. It seems healthy enough. Will it be able to learn the things it needs to know till it gets old enough to move in with the others? If this keeps up it will be spoiled rotten, as long as it can survive.
Picked up a silkie cochin? today at the swap that is older than my chick but about the same size.Put them together & they both are so happy now ! Very content !
Picked up a silkie cochin? today at the swap that is older than my chick but about the same size.Put them together & they both are so happy now ! Very content !
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