Can a roo be neutered

My two roos are very nice to their flock of 13 ladies. They are a year old now and spur development is only now finally showing (of course to an experienced eye, I'm sure others would have noticed sooner). And yes, if you collect eggs daily, you have no chance of having any babies. Unless of course you decide you would like to try to hatch some of your own babies, which can be quite a fun experience.
Storey's _Guide to Raising Chickens_ has a whole section on caponizing cockrels. Reading it, I would want a helper, for sure, and preferably someone who had seen/done it before. Supposedly they grow better and are more gentle than cocks.
I bought a caponizing kit off ebay this year. I think I will try a few roosters that I have butchered and then do a few for growing out. If it seems very doable I will do it. I would like to have a couple of them to hang out around here and I think that most of them would grow out to some real deliciousness.

They would be Wyandotte so should be handsome and colorful as well.
This sounds painful to the chicken. I’m not one who gets off on hurting animals regardless of the reason.
Sorry I asked about neutering.
Why do you want to nueter him?

They are birds, no need to worry about unwanted pregs. You will have no "babies" unless you either leave the eggs with a broody hen or incubate them.

Crowing--- I to tell you the truth do not know if a caponed rooster crows.

Are you allowed roosters in your area? If so, keep him as he is.

Yes! If you have no roosters a hen sometimes acts like a rooster.

No! not all roosters are mean to hens.

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