Can adults eat grower feed?

Yes, but not for to long. Since the grower feed isn't full of the calcium and proper nutrients for them, you should offer oyster shell to the hens. The calcium helps give strong egg shells.

Increased calcium is the main difference between layer and the other types of feeds. Layer feed is never a requirement, especially with oyster shells available. Since I have chicks right now I don't buy layer feed at all, but once everyone is laying I'll do half layer, half grower, since I like the layer pellets but want to supplement protein just a little with the grower.
Wait til they’re older and start trying to fly into the kitchen lol!
That's what my daughters say - sooner or later we're gonna have chickens flying in the house!

My birds love tuna, salmon, bits of meat, mealworms, greens, grapes, watermelon, chopped or scrambled eggs, raisins, cat food (yep ;)), shelled sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, shredded cheese and probably lots of other things.
I'm going to have to try out those other things. We have given them scrambled eggs. We used those when we first started letting them free range. That was my secret weapon to getting them back in the coop. But, actually, we never really needed it because we usually let them out in the evening and they just go in when it starts getting dark. But they do run when they see those scrambled eggs!
Increased calcium is the main difference between layer and the other types of feeds. Layer feed is never a requirement, especially with oyster shells available. Since I have chicks right now I don't buy layer feed at all, but once everyone is laying I'll do half layer, half grower, since I like the layer pellets but want to supplement protein just a little with the grower.
Yes. Added protein will only do good! I like to give my hens basil, which has protein, and a feather fixer feed with protein for good, shiny, soft feathers.
Eh @Shamo Hybrid

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