Can anyone help?

Suburban chick farmer 09

12 Years
Feb 21, 2009
St. Louis MO
Can anyone tell if I have any roos? My good cameras broken I quess its not my good camers? If the pics are bad or the chicks are to young let my know and I will post again when I get my camera fixed or buy a new one.



chipmunk ees

white ee

RIRs same age is the size difference normal?


Quality might not be good enough so I didn't take pics of the buffs or Austrolorp.
Where did you get these chicks, if I may ask? One reason is that the BR on the left, the larger one, has some odd coloring. Could be just hatchery type barring on her, but something is just sort of funny about the barring. Are all of them the same age? I think both BRs are girls. I've raised alot of BRs so I can usually tell the sex, unless they are crossed with another breed, then all bets are off, LOL.
The chipmunk EE on the left seems like it could be a cockerel due to the wide comb and the thicker legs, but I could be wrong. So far the white one looks girly, but on these, it can take a bit longer for them to declare themselves.
One of the RIRs may be a cockerel, but I really cant tell for sure.

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