Can anyone show me pics of their roosts?

Here's my roost, pre-shavings. It's 6 ft long with a support halfway across. I used a 2x4 with the 4 inch side up. It's 36 inches high and my big fat Buff Orps can get up and down without any problem. We cradled it in brackets on both sides so that it can be lifted out to be cleaned in the yard.

You can do it!

And hey Chirpy! Love the goats!! I keep threatening to get a goat and my husband is a little worried...

ETA: 14-18 inches from the wall, 12 inches per bird...

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OH and I forgot to mention ....we cut sassafrass limbs , for this roost , as they are supposed to keep down the bug population?? The chickens seem to like the natural feeling wood roost rather then the slick 2x4' s we used in previous coop....
hobbyfarmrookie, love the roost 'tree'.

Do they use all 4 levels? I've got plenty of run space, and that would give them more to do in the yard...

oh I love the roost tree I am so coppying that lol

here is mine in my bantam pen

and the one I built in my new coop. I am not sure what kind of wood it is but it was nice and dry with the bark already mostly off so I am hoping most bugs have left it and that the ones that remain are ones that will get eaten lol
there will also be a couple of 2x4s as well so they have a choice, I built a drop box thing to help keep the coop cleaner

So far I have only seen them on the two lower levels but the are footprints on the third level, these chickens are only about 13 weeks I believe they will eventually get to the top. It is almost 6 feet high. Glad you all like it, it was an unknown when I built it. I'm just trying things to see if they work and I have also researched many ideas for my coop for THanks for all the positive comments.
We also used to have perches like this, leaning all the way to the ceiling (about 7 feet) and it was about 5 feet long. Lots of chickens could roost on it at once. They seemed to like it a lot

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