Can anyone tell me how old my hens are?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 17, 2010
Wirral UK

This is my Sussex which I bought as POL.

This is my Bluebell again bought as POL

My Barnevelda, really don't know how many weeks.

My Buff Orpington. Again no idea how old. The person I bought them from was away when I went to collect and is still on holiday.
Can anyone guess how old they are and the age they normally start to lay? Also hoping that my Buff is a Hen and not a Roo.
Any help is appreciated.
The first 3 I'd say between 10-13 weeks . Are they clucking or chirping? The BO is younger, judging by its size, but not by much.
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The Sussex and Bluebell are clucking, I haven't heard the barnevelda make a noise and the BO is chirping. The BO is also only just getting feathers on its back.
I'd guess the BO is 3-4 weeks old.

Definitely not 3-4 weeks. I'm guessing maybe two months? Maybe a month and a half? She's also definitely a hen. My buff orpingtons are a month and a half and they're not close in maturity to yours yet. (Though it could just be the angle of the photo) However my few 'definite' roosters have highish red combs already.
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