Can anyone tell me if these eggs are fertile or not?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 12, 2014
Can anyone please tell me if these eggs are fertile or not?
I'm new to this and have been looking at pictures of other peoples eggs for ages trying to work it out :-/

Yesterday's egg:

Today's fresh egg:

I have 2 gold laced wyandotte hens (one not laying since she went broody) and 1 gold laced wyandotte rooster, the hen that is currently still laying and the rooster are both aprox 12 months old.
400 need to incubate eggs approx.4 to 7 days and then candle the eggs. during the candle process if you see blood veins your eggs are fertile,no veins not fertile
Thankyou for your reply,
So do the white spots mean nothing?
I know that a lot of people look for a white "bullseye" on their eggs but there are so many variations of this that I can't work it out.
I will start collecting my eggs from tomorrow onwards and put them in the incubator (it only holds 7 eggs anyway) so I should have enough ready to start in 1 week.
I'll take your advice and candle them after they have been incubating for a whole and let you know how it goes.
Thanks again for your reply.
the white spot connects the yoke to egg how a baby chick is conceived and born.
I got this of a site (link to page included below-

"Q: I got a terrible hatch. Does that mean most of my eggs were infertile?

A: No, a terrible hatch doesn't mean that most or even any of your eggs were infertile! They may all have been fertile. Remember, just because an egg doesn't hatch (or even if it doesn't develop), that doesn't mean it wasn't fertile.

It is not possible to see the fertilized blastodisc on the yolk of the egg after 21 days of incubation, as it will have deteriorated by then. If you have a rooster with your hens, you can presume good fertility up to about a ratio of ten or twelve hens to every rooster. To check your exact ratio, you can crack open some (fresh, unincubated) eggs and look for the fertilized blastodisc on the yolk (like a tiny white bullseye), which is just visible to the naked eye if you have good eyesight. "

Everything implies that I should be getting fertile eggs, my hens and rooster are the right age, they are mating too meanwhile, when my hen went broody she had 12 eggs underneath her, after 25 days had passed and no chicks, I candled some, they looked clear.
I cracked some open and there was nothing to suggest that they were ever fertile. Nothing- no blood rings, no developing embryos.. Just old plain eggs.
I ended up giving her some day old chicks that I purchased to adopt (all went great and they are now 5 weeks old and thriving) but I still want to hatch my own.
I bought my breeding pair with the intention to breed.. They have great markings and I think they would produce great chicks.

I don't want to get rid of my rooster (to get a new one) unless I have tried everything I can to be sure that he is infact infertile- he's such a lovely, friendly roo.

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