Can chickens drink from the creek?


6 Years
Mar 21, 2013
Hello! This may seem like a silly question, but we are trying to figure out the placement for our new coop and watering in the winter when everything is frozen always is a problem. All of our pastures are situated where the ends of them access our creek. It is a warm spring creek and never freezes and never dries up. We want our new coop to have this access also. The site is about 200 feet from the house, is this too far? Also, if we have a 5-7 foot "run" from the base run outside the coop, will the chickens go down and drink from the creek? We are planning to make the access run from 2 by 6 frame and buried timbers 6 inches into the ground along the perimeter. The only way a predator could get in would be to submerge themselves and pop up into the opening.
Non contaminated creeks provide potable water for many uses. I would be somewhat concerned about a mink 'submerging' itself and entering the run.
I am guessing a number of varmints would gladly take a quick dip if it meant an easy lunch. Is there a way you can screen the water entering and leaving your pen?
Hi floralpicker, great question. As long as you're sure that the water in the creek is free of contaminants and relatively clear, it's probably fine for your chickens. One thing I would be mindful of, depending on how the coop and watering system is set it up, is that you don't create a situation where your coop/chickens are creating a water quality issue for the creek. Make sure that the waste from the coop isn't able to wash into the water, such as in a storm event. And if you have many chickens you probably don't want them in the creek themselves...I have the impression you only have a few, which wouldn't be that big of a deal. FYI - in some states this type of "discharge" into a waterway can get you fined. :/ Good luck!!
Screening the end is a great idea! That will be a necessity I'm thinking. I don't think we have minks in eastern Oregon. We have raccoons, skunks, coyotes, and LOTs of hawks. I have a diligent yellow lab but he is the "inside-queen-bed-sleeping" type so he wont be much use at night. He loves the chicks at 1 week old. The only thing he bites is food left on the counter. :)

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