Can Dogs Have Oreos?

Vet techs don't have the rigourous testings, up to date information

Beg to differ on that.
The head Vet tech where I worked knew more than the vet did and she (vet) even said so.​
I did not get to read the entire thread but chocolate is a big NO sister's Doberman stole a whole big pan of brownies off the counter and she did the peroxide thing almost immediately...not a pretty site when he tossed those brownies back...

Maybe I should not have but I trained dogs with mini marshmallows and cheetos...other things work better or as good, but those worked for show dogs learned to bait up with mini 'mallows...learned eye mouth coordination as well...I would sit them in a line and toss little 'mallows...they learned to catch them flawlessly as if they missed, someone else got their ' was pretty funny to watch them focus...five Dobermans in a line snapping teeth and grabbing mini 'mallows out of the air was funny...I did not od them...ten is my average with many of them going twelve to fourteen...

My dog gets what ever falls on the floor. Chocolate, turkey, steak ect. She's a Jack russel and weighs around 16 lbs. First time she ate a whole bag of dove dark chcolate bliss. Second time she raided the pantry and stole, two loafs of bread, a can of vyeenee (
I know its not spelled right) sausages, four hot dog buns and half a bag of dove dark chocolate bliss candies.
shes fit as a fiddle. So relax. If you want a really good treat for him/her use peanut butter as a bribe. Drives em crazy.
They have chocolate "guts" in them, so nope.

I'm not sure how turkey skin is bad, nor can I find anything reported on it. I have nothing to do with my time other than practice my google-fu. But our dogs don't usually get turkey skin because in our house, turkey skin comes two ways - I cooked it and it's spicy, too spicy for the dogs - as in they will spit it out - or DH fried the turkey, and it's about a million times delicious, and there is NO way the dogs are getting any of that. I do know they will happily get treats of the fried turkey, and as long as it's nothing more than a normal treat amount for them and they aren't overloaded on treats, they are fine and dandy.

I also know the Psycho Cat From Hades routinely eats raw turkey and cooked turkey, and other than being Psycho Cat From Hades, she has no problems. I'll have to see if she's less Psycho Cat on turkey. She's pretty much always Psycho Cat however.
I don't think Oreos have much, if any, actual chocolate in them. I would go with those mini carrots for the dogs, and mail your Oreos to me. I'm not afraid of processed foods within moderation and I'd be happy to take them off of your hands if you've already purchased some.
The cocoa tree contains two naturally occurring substances - theobromine and caffeine - both of which are toxic to dogs. Cocoa beans contain theobromine in a higher concentration than caffeine.

Dogs metabolise theobromine very slowly - it can stay in your dog's bloodstream for up to 20 hours. During that time it interferes with the body's functioning mainly stimulating the central nervous system and affecting the heart and kidneys.

So in other words chocolate is poisonous to dogs cause they cant digest it. it stays in there and can kill the dog.

I was mistaken about the tryptophan the 2 T words mixed up which happens when ya get

But turkey skin is still high fat and does cause pancreatitus.

Back to chocolate......I think a lot of chocolate we buy is poor quality and has lots of other ingredients in to make it look and taste like chocolate but with a lower cocoa content which may explain why some have eaten it with no bad effects don't let your dog get the expensive stuff or anything with cocoa in it like brownies.!
Seriously...the effect does build up over poison ivy or wasp stings....1st time nothing, 2nd time nothing, 3rd time rash extrordinair or you stop breathing.
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The BIG issue i see here is....

WHY would you waste a perfectly good oreo on a dog?....

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