Can Dogs Have Oreos?

mine don't
x2 most dogs die if they eat choclate if they have to much

they can die from just a couple of ounces, trust me

mmhmm How do you explain a 16 lb. dog eating a five pound bag of dark chocolate (foil, plastic and all) and out living any other dog I've ever met?
We have one who ate 3lbs of high quality dark baking chocolate, didn't get to the vet for 4 hours, was on IV fluids for 48 hours and never had a problem. But I watched a dog die from an Oreo. It's not worth the risk.
Not worth the risk.

Just get the cookies that are made for dogs. They taste pretty much the same - we eat them all the time at work - the dogs love them. We actually have a few people that come in and buy them to eat themselves because they are less expensive.

Even then I only give them to my dogs as a special treat.
I was kind of teasing. We all know that risking it is NOT worth the price we pay if we are wrong. I have quite a few home remidies for dogs. We've taken our two dogs to the vet a grand total of 7 times. Lucy is fifteen and Molly is three.
So yup, my pups are a rare case. Lucy has been bitten by so many copperheads, she is immune to their venom. Molly is natrually resistant. Molly has gluped three containers of rat poison. Lucy is also immune to the toxins in chcolate. So yea, my pups don't fit in with breed standards
Every dog is different, but I would never give mine chocolate. Ever. My daughter left a dark chocolate candy bar on her dresser once and my dog got it. I was lucky to find her right away after she got it and called the vet. She was starting to have effects so I had to give her peroxide and then took her into the vet where they flushed her stomach with charcoal. She's an active 25lb whippet, all muscle no fat so once she ate the chocolate it started hitting her system fast. The vet said the purer the chocolate the more dangerous it is, but to me ALL chocolate is dangerous when it comes to any dog.
One of our dogs almost died when it got some chocolate. It was touch and go for 3 days, and the dog was sick for 3 weeks after that.

Chocolate as well as sugar is not good for dogs.

We used to use dried liver for treats - very easy to carry, very light, very easy to tear into small pieces - really ideal. Comes in packets at the pet store.

We've also made our own treats by baking some whole grain biscuits and whey powder for protein.
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They have them already, they have so many different kinds nowadays.

Also the stuffing if white cookie and chocolate frosting is call an "uh oh".

Truth of the matter though it is still high in sugar and junk food.

ETA: You can give white chocolate though it is safe for dogs.
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