Can ducks develop hoarseness?


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Sep 2, 2018
Big Chimney, WV
My Coop
My Coop
Hi Friends,

i just let the ducks out after the first cold night here in WV and noticed that Donald my drake somehow sounds hoarse. I don't know how to describe it, if the ladies say »QUAAACKWAAAKWAAK«, Donald was more like »RRASPRRASPRRASP« and now he sounds like »RRASPRRASPRRASP«. He's saying the same things, just much quieter and it sounds like he has a cold.
A change in their voice can be a sign of a respiratory infection. If he were mine I would watch him closely for other signs of respiratory infection.
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Hi Friends,

i just let the ducks out after the first cold night here in WV and noticed that Donald my drake somehow sounds hoarse. I don't know how to describe it, if the ladies say »QUAAACKWAAAKWAAK«, Donald was more like »RRASPRRASPRRASP« and now he sounds like »RRASPRRASPRRASP«. He's saying the same things, just much quieter and it sounds like he has a cold.
I don't think it's anything to worry about...
Thank's for the answers! His nostrils are free and no secretion. I had them in the other fenced area during the last two days, so they were better protected from the cold wind. Donald was rasping at normal volume today, so i thing he may has overdone bewitching the girls...
You could pick up some VetRX next time your at the feed store to have in their med chest. It's like Vicks except for poultry. Don't ever think unusual rasping is normal but we don't want to over worry either best thing to just observe and if symptoms were to change then act. We just have to know out birds. And I am sure you do. Since you picked up that little change from normal.

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