Can ducks eat minnows?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 1, 2011
Some one told me that they fed their wild ducks minnows, is it ok to feed farm ducks minnows too? I just wanted to see if my Khaki Campbells would like to try minnows. They love worms and will do anyhting to get them. I wanted to see if this new treat is ok for them to have, before I let them try it. The type on minnow I'm looking to get are called Rosies. Can someone help me please?
My 4 week olds were happily out in the [preformed] pond today munching on snails during their semi daily "clean yourself up" swim. They may or may not like them. If you're using a kiddy pool then it'll be easy for them to see and they might very well go nuts chasing them. You can pick up feeder goldfish [and rosy reds] at Wal*Mart for them, too. But, how old are they?
They are a little over a year old. Thank for responding so quicky, I will have to pick some up for them! If it is half as hilarous as feeding them worms, I'm sure it will be a hoot to watch. LOL!!!
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I am so glad you asked this question. I was just about to post the exact same thing when i came across this post.
Im going to go to walmart tomorrow and get some of those small feeder gold fish. Or Rosy Reds. I would love to see my ducks chase them. I am constintely giving them worms. Now everytime I go out there they expect worms. LOL!
I would try and go with a store that uses no harmful chemicals or antibiotics, however. I go to our local owner-run fishing tackle supply store, they are careful what they use in the tanks so as to not contaminate waterways. Also, only get fish your ducks can swallow! My Calls eat the tiny minnows used for fishing for crappies...
My ducks LOVE fish! I get the small feeder goldfish and they go nuts! But I will echo the above poster and say clear water is important! That way they can see them to chase them.

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