Can foot feathers be blood feathers?

I have Cochin Bantams. I have never had any problems with their foot feathers. They free range all day and go to their coop at night. I limit the mud from their area as much as possible to help keep foot feathers clean. They she'd their foot feathers really well when the feathers get in their way. Naturally falling out. I even seen some of my Cochin Bantams pull their own feathers out when they get in the way. Never have they bled. The feathers also fall out when they dust bathe, and scratch around. Just keep their foot feathers clean from mud, and fecal matter. Don't mess with the natural way of things. Nature will naturally take care of things. Not only that, the foot feathers serve functions for them. One is for insulation. Since they don't have much size to them, they need all the feathers they have for insulation for cool nights, and during the winter. And on warm, and hot days, they act as fans to sweep air under their bodies while walking which helps to cool them down. Just let them be. Sometime u can do more harm then good.
I think you are right, I have Cochins coming in April and was a little worried about the feathered feet. It's been a long time since I've had any feather footed birds. They will be in a very large run with other breeds their age, Orpington and Australorp and will eventually go in with the main flock. Will they be as docile as the breeder claims, to the point the other breeds will abuse them?

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