Can I change the title of my "My Chickens" page?


8 Years
Oct 27, 2011
Looking at the mountains in MT
Once I started creating my "my chickens" page, I realized I should do one page for the whole flock, rather than one bird at a time. Is it possible for me to delete the current page or rename it? Thanks much!
Actually you can edit list titles. You go to the list, and down under where the things are listed are two buttons: Delete List and Edit. If you click edit you can change the title.

BTW, I like your chicken board on Pinterest!
Actually you can edit list titles. You go to the list, and down under where the things are listed are two buttons: Delete List and Edit. If you click edit you can change the title.

BTW, I like your chicken board on Pinterest!
Thanks are you on too? pm me so I can look ya up!!

I will go try it!!

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