Can I feed my chickens Carpobrotus edulis?

I had to Google as I'm a simple OK so ice plant....I haven't been able to find anything yet but I did read there are several species of ice plant that are poisonous to cattle...though cattle are entirely different than birds. Hopefully one of these brainiacs will be able to offer more information :lol:
My google search stated that the fruit and the succulent leaves are edible. So, for chickens: if they choose to eat it and don't drop dead, then it's edible. I let my chickens eat what ever happens to be in my yard that they can reach. They help themselves to many things that I'd rather they left alone, mostly b/c I don't want the plants destroyed. Chickens seem to know what is edible, and what is not. My girls make a bee line for the deadly poisonous rhubarb leaves when I open up the garden for them to glean in the fall. Evidently, rhubarb leaves make quite the chook salad.
There's a big difference between having a free range flock with lots of choices, and a confined flock with one or two plants offered in quantity, and no other options. My birds run around on several acres of pasture, weeds, and conifers, and eats lots of different things. Birds confined in a coop or run and offered one or two things, might get in trouble eating something unsafe. Mary

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