Can I feed weeds to chicks?? How about grub???


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Central MA
Many people are talking about "fresh clipped grass" for chick treats.
What kind of grass you are talking about??
Lawn??? or any green grass grow in my yard?? Like dandelions and other some unknown weeds??

I was weeding my garden and found worms and gave to them.
Also I found a lot of grubs but I wasn't sure I could give to my chicks....
Grubs are treats for them???
Yes, grass from the yard, but make sure it hasn't been treated with fertilizer or insecticide. Clean, chemical-free grass only. They will eat grubs and worms too. They will need grit if you feed them anything but commercial feed. Make sure you get grit (not oyster shell) of an appropriate size for their age and without calcium.

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I feed all the weeds I pull from my garden to my chickens. I let my grass clippings dry, then bag it to feed to my rabbits. Any grubs, worms, etc. also get fed to the chickens.
Do you have a lawn care service or use "grub x"? If so I might avoid the grubs. But otherwise chicks love grubs and caterpillars (avoid the fuzzy ones though). June bugs are really hilarious to give them also.

One thing in lawns I have found every one of our chickens to love is clover. They do like dandelions to some extent, grass is okay if in small bits when young, but for us clover has been preferred over any other weed or plant in our garden/lawn.

edit- and yes if you feed these make sure they have access to grit.
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We used to use lawn care service but we changed to organic lawn treatment because we got chickens.
I'm not sure we use grub control but that was in my garden and I don't use any chemical in there so should be fine.
The grub I found was about 1/4" thick and 1" long. That was huge I've never seen like that size!
I only picked tiny worms for my chicks, not sure they can handle huge (well normal size I guess) earthworms yet.
They are almost 3 weeks old.

I have clovers in my yard! I will go get them now.
Love to see my chicks having fun
I actually cultivate dandelions and chickweed. If your un-chemicaled grass is St. Augustine or similar, it has really no nutrition in it. It is obvious that a chicken will eat just about anything, but a yard full of weeds and bugs would be heavenly from their perspective.
Well thanks to the old owners of my house all my yard is crab grass and weeds. I hope they will help me yard is huge. LOL

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