Can I keep chickens in city limits of Greenville, SC?

Hey there, I was just up your way last week on business. My plane may have flown over you!
Good luck with the chickens!
Small world! We, too, live at the corner of Faris and Augusta and I would love have a couple of hens. (Perhaps I can come by and see your coop!) Today I visited Shinola on Wade Hampton and they keep some very sweet, beautiful chickens. I was enchanted. My big question now is about our dog. He is a year-old wiemeraner mix. My assumption is he would view them as dinner, not play pals. Any thoughts there?
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Hi guys
I'm over in Greer, but outside the city and we just started our chicken-raising adventures.
I got 4 chicks from Blue ridge feed and seed and we're in the process of building some sort of coop for them. It's mostly done.
I'm new to this area and chickens so I'm really enjoying it so far! Nice to know there are other people in the area. At least maybe this way my husband won't think I've lost ALL of my marbles!
LOVE BR Feed and seed. I have several from them too, and Rick knows a bunch about chickens! I am outside city limits, but still plan on sharing eggs, etc with my neighbors to quell any uprisings. Just FYI, Tooter Town has a livestock auction every Thursday night at 7. I have sold some bigger chickens, and bought more peeps. Good fun!

Hey There!!! I was trying to find the answer to this myself... I live in Simpsonville but just discovered that I am technically not within the city of simpsonville city limits (they have a no chicken law) but we are outside city limits and part of Grennville County. So I'm happy to hear about that! I have some Buff Orpingtons in my urban backyard~ and the neighbors that now are actually excited about it. But recently I discovered 2 of my babies are roosters! Well I am going to rehome them before they crow!! Haha Anyways wanted to say hi~ Hope all your chickens are doing well
Well i have 17 chickens, 5 RIR, 9 silkies, and 3 japanese bantams. and some eggs in the incubator. I live in berea and my neighbors are the best. They love my chickens and dont mind the crowing at 3 in the morning. They love the eggs and love comming over to see the new chicks/chickens:) Ive had my chickens since april of this year and i havent had any problems yet with the city, hopefully i wont have any. but right up the road someone has a huge turkey and a big rooster in there yard, theyve had them for about 2 years, so i dont think ill be having any problems anytime soon as long as i keep pleasing my neighbors with some fresh eggs:)
I am in Taylors, in Greenville County. There is no city here, so County regulations apply. My six chickens are still developing, so I don't yet know about any roosters in the bunch.

We got started in May of this year. So much to learn, but so entertaining.

I live in Taylors as well, and from what I can tell, we're all good to raise some chicks. I'm looking forward to the eggs, and my daughter is looking forward to naming them!
I know you can keep them in the city, but the county is less clear. I think in a very strict sense, you cannot have them outside of a Rural zone since the Zoning ordinance chart basically says anything not specifically permitted is not allowed. I find the category of Farm Animals, Livestock, and Stables poorly defined in the code, so I think its a matter of interpretation. However, after my last experience with a county codes inspector, where he literally MADE UP a non-existent permit & fee for a project, I would recommend not putting the question to them.

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