Can I kill a roomba?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
My jeep is paid off, as of a week ago. Since then I've been making a mental note of things I'd really like to have, but never had the money for before.
I'm seriously thinking about getting a roomba. Assuming that our older GSD Jax doesn't lose his everloving mind when it starts moving across the living room, can a roomba stand up to the fur generated daily by two german shedders?
I'm not sure about the Roomba, but can you stand up to two hysterically barking GSDs every time the darn thing wakes up?

My Lab would want to kill it, but he has a thing about shovels, too.
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I'm not sure about the Roomba, but can you stand up to two hysterically barking GSDs every time they darn thing wakes up?

That's what Keith said, but I think once they get used to it....

Kitty is the one I really worry about. She's already the world's most neurotic cat. I'm not sure how much more she can take.
are they bagless ? I would think two gsds would fill them up quick. I love our dyson pet hair skitters across the floor and goes bye bye. Big Lots gets refurbished ones that cost about half what a new one runs.
I know two people that have them, and the thing is that you really have to remove anything on the floor if you want it to do a good job. (i.e. breakfast bar stools, floor-based decorations) And then you have to block off where you don't want it to go (i.e. down a certain hall or room). So it seems to me like it's a big project to set it up, and then its cleaning is so random...
off topic : Gritsar - is that impy in your new avatar?

on topic: I don't have experience in either vac, but have heard tons of good stuff about dysons. It is what I think I will get next.
PASS! More work than they are worth, if your looking for a new vacuum Dyson is the way.
I thought I killed my dyson, and did some online trouble shooting...and she lives again! lol
But yeah pass on Roomba, esp if you have kids too, they tend to think you can ride them
Nope, that's the big guy - my dark brahma roo Thor.

Disappointed to hear this stuff about a roomba.

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