Can I line my chics brooder with sand????


12 Years
Jan 13, 2008
Jonesbourgh Tennessee
question about sand and ..... grit, day or so ago i read play sand plain from wal-mart so i went and got some, i have 17 chicks and after reading the chic mortality causes, quickly started looking for a bigger brooder.....i currently have them in a 10 gal aquarium ....i now have a big clear plastic tote, but i lined the bottom with about 3/4 inch of sand, will that be ok for them to live in?????? i am at this moment heating up the sand lol before i put them in there....anyone know if this will be ok for the chics? they like to get in there feed bowl and waller around so i thought they would love the sand.....if this is not ok somebody speak up please and let me know....Thanks
hmmm , that is ill toss out the sand, what about pine shavings? right now i was using dog training pads , but this is a really big tote so im not sure what to use for there bedding, newspapers?

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