Can i put my chicks together?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 23, 2013
Island Falls, ME
I got chicks on the first of April form my local TSC I got some roo's in the mix. I called them up to see if they would take them back. They wont but they did give me new ones to replace them with. So my question is can put them togeather? I posted to see if any one could help find out what they are. Not much help with that yet :/
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How old are the replacement chicks? If they are the same age or close to they can go in together, but if the replacement chicks are still very small it will be better to keep them separate for the first few weeks. The older chicks may hurt the young ones. Also chicks of different ages have different heat requirements. New chicks need a brooder temp of 90*-95*F and 3 week old chicks need around 75*-80*F

On the help identifying your chicks, keep in mind that it can be very hard to make an educated guess on chicks as many breeds look similar as chicks and their colouring can change completely as they feather out. Also, it's weekend, so lots of the members are busy with family life and other things and may not be online.
Thanks I will. It's just hard cause I want to know what they are lol
I got chicks on the first of April form my local TSC I got some roo's in the mix. I called them up to see if they would take them back. They wont but they did give me new ones to replace them with. So my question is can put them togeather? I posted to see if any one could help find out what they are. Not much help with that yet
What are you using for a brooder? can you put a wire divider so they can be close to each other and see/hear each other for a few days?
I just integrated 2 one week olds into a flock of five 3-4 week olds. Once the younger girls seemed coordinated and quick we just put them together. The older chicks could care less and there has been no pecking or posturing. Just be sure you have enough space . My older chicks are very active and if the younger ones were introduced earlier they may have been inadvertently run over or knocked over... The chicks don't seem to have that mean territorial tendency/streak that mature hens develop

The pic shows the size difference of the two groups.

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