Can I see a picture of your waterer?

My husband just finished this watering system for me and my chickens. They stayed away for about 10 seconds, then one went over and pecked at it and that was that. They all started checking it out and now they all drink from it. I got the chicken nipples, then just made this out of a 5 gal bucket, some pvc fittings, pvc pipe and a piece of hose.

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Hey KDK1, that is awesome! Very innovative. I love seeing all these homemade watering systems. It shows how creative we are when it comes to raising our birds.
i love mine, it's identical to this...except i have an 11 litre bottle, have to fill it more often but approx. 1xweek, n im out there anyways and likely appreciate the fresh water. the 11L vs the 18L makes it soooo much easier to turn over and i have nowhere to hand anyways..

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