In the Brooder
I know that young chickens shouldn't be moved to the coop if it's too cold, but I've also read in a few different places that coop training should never be done when temperatures exceed 70 degrees (F). My husband and I have 8 three-week-old chicks and we've been thinking about moving their brooder box into the outside coop in the next few weeks; we currently have two adult hens, so we were thinking we'd keep the young ones in their large wooden brooder box for a little bit to keep them safe and get them used to sleeping outside before moving them to the next stages (a wire playpen and eventually sharing a full coop/roosts). However, we live in Texas, where temperatures are already starting to creep into the triple digits as of this week during the day and we can expect 80+ degree temps at night once summer continues. Can anyone give me more information about the 70-degree coop training rule/does anyone have any helpful information about raising chicks in hot climates? Thank you so much!