Can males co-exist if there are no females to fight over?

I keep the chickens away from the turkeys and the peas, for just that reason. I am not aware of how guineas fit into the blackhead (and other diseases) scenario, I suppose I should ask the "guinea people" about that.
I keep the chickens away from the turkeys and the peas, for just that reason. I am not aware of how guineas fit into the blackhead (and other diseases) scenario, I suppose I should ask the "guinea people" about that.
How to you keep your chickens away from your peas?
I have never had a problem with blackhead..knock on wood .

Do you have photos to share with us Pea brains here
All my peas are confined and the chickens are free ranging (and some in coops). I haven't had a problem with blackhead yet and we did free range some turkeys a while ago. They ran with the chickens and could certainly have been affected, but we never had a problem with that. Two were run down by a pickup and the rest wandered off with their wild brethren. Hence, all future turkeys are not free ranging, and I'm very cautious about free ranging a peacock,

I'll see about some pics this weekend. They came from my uncle's farm where he lets them all free range. He has some pieds, black shoulders and white (and maybe some others), so the genetic makeup of these is a mystery. If I can get some good pics, maybe you all can tell me what I have, though the anticipation of not knowing has it's charm too.
All my birds free range except the ones i have just hatched out or caught them after their moms hatched them, but i never could keep the chickens off my outdoor brooders, that is why i asked.
With photos we should be able to tell you what ya got.

Here is a pic of all 6 of the peafowl. I have lots more pics, including close ups of any that are still in doubt.

Anyone want to share an opinion about which ones are hens? If anyone can tell me anything about what they will look like, that's great too, but I think every variety is gorgeous, and I'm willing to wait and see how they turn out.

Cute bunch you have there dheltzel!

The two IBs are hens (the ones with the solid grey-brown backs on the left), so you have at least two gals!
The blackshoulder (yellowish and black, in the center) may be a hen too? I only have limited BS experience (one pretty girl).
That guy snoozing in the front is definitely a he, though.
Perhaps others with more experience can share thoughts on the others...
I was really hoping those IB's were hens, the 2 obvious cocks (the one you pointed out in the front and the rightmost one, who looks like his twin) appear to be something far more exotic, but I'm not sure what. The small one in the center has never changed colors much, but the other 3 looked like her when they were young, so I think she's a hen.

This is the one that is most in question now:

This is a closeup of the smallest, I'm assuming is a BS hen:

One of the IB's has white on her breast, does that mean she is pied?

Finally, this is one of 2 very similar ones that seem for sure to be a cocks, any comments on this one? I think he's going to be very pretty, I love the blue he already has, and the lacy feather pattern on his back. I guess you can tell these are my first peacocks, huh.


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