Can my 3 week old chicks go outside for a bit?

Ms Monk

In the Brooder
May 7, 2017
my chicks are 3 weeks old - can I put them outside in fenced area for a bit and what about a sand tray? The temps today will be in the mid 70's. I am totally new to this
At age three weeks, chicks are feathered enough to not need a heat source when it's around 70F since they won't be losing much, if any, body heat at those ambient temps. You should be turning the heat off during the day anyway by this time.

Sand is harmless for chicks to play in, and it can provide a substitute for grit if the particles aren't too fine.
At age three weeks, chicks are feathered enough to not need a heat source when it's around 70F since they won't be losing much, if any, body heat at those ambient temps. You should be turning the heat off during the day anyway by this time.

Sand is harmless for chicks to play in, and it can provide a substitute for grit if the particles aren't too fine.
Thank you

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