Can my chicks eat broiler chick feed?


Jun 26, 2020
I have seven chickens which range in age from 4-6 weeks old. I’m visiting my mum for the weekend and brought them with me but they ate all their food but I have some Dumor 24% meat bird start to finish crumble. Is this safe for them? I have the following chickens: 1 Rhode Island, 1 Americana, 1 blue lace Wyandotte, 1 black sex link, 1 mystery bantam, 2 silkies.
I don’t think any of these chickens are broiler types?

Sorry I missed this.
I raise all my birds on 24% feed for their first 8-9 weeks (though not the DuMor brand) and am pleased with the results overall. Granted, I don't have a reference to test against raised on lower protein (I don't even have breeds, they are all mutts), but I do get relatively early feathering and good body development with no failure to thrive. I'll count that as a win.

Long term, the expense of the feed is not matched by improved performance. Yes, the performance is better, but its not as much better as the feed is more expensive! But I do like ensuring my birds get an excellent start on life.

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