Can one chicken lay 2 eggs in one day, as it's first eggs ever?

I could swear that once or twice I've noticed that there were too many eggs for the day so I guess it's possible...the first time though, ouch, rough start! My buff's laid double yolks when they first started but only single yolks since the first week or so....

Perhaps the phenomenon of laying two eggs a day is a result of Global Warming...who knows;)
I found this old thread because for the third day in a row, my Silver-Laced Wyandotte laid two eggs within minutes of each other. She is the first hen to lay in our flock of young hens (she was just over 18 weeks with the first egg) and I thought at first that we must have a second layer. So today, I kept a close watch. I did see one of our White Rocks in a nest box, right above my Wyandotte, so I thought it was her. But when I went to check later, the Rock had laid her first egg, and once again, the Wyandotte had left behind two in the box she'd been laying in, for a total of three eggs today. When I saw this post and read that another Silver-Laced Wyandotte laid two eggs, I'm thinking it must not be uncommon for this bird.

So, it IS possible for a hen to lay two eggs in a day. And my hen lays them in the same sitting, within minutes of each other. And if you'd like to see this for yourself, get a Silver-Laced Wyandotte--a great laying hen who is also beautiful.
I just got some new hens the other day, and one of my hens laid 2 eggs within 2 hours. (And I know it was the same hen because I watched her lay both.) She is older though about 1 and 3 months, but I'm sure it's possible for your chicken! The world record for most eggs laid by one chicken in one day was actually 7! But, since the second egg didn't get as much time to develop it is normally smaller. (But mine wasn't by much if any!) It all depends on the hen.

P.S. Mine was a RIR.
I have 4 laying hens and got 5 eggs we got 6........Not sure what is up with them.....but I am not complaining!! 2EE, 1RR and one Silver-Laced Wyandotte!!
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Not sure as it's first eggs ever. Although I have 11 Hens and today I had 12 eggs in the coop. I check the coop every night thoroughly just when the hens go on the roost to sleep for eggs and I collect them. I know that one hen laid two eggs in one day because I went 11 for 11 the previous day and now 12 eggs from 11 hens today. There is always the possibility of a family member playing a joke and adding one but I know that's not the case. My hens are 6 RIR, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 barnyard (golden Sussex), and 1 white hen that lays green eggs everyday/ not sure the breed but what a sweetheart.
Funny enough, I experienced the same thing 3 days ago. I have 4 hens and got 5 eggs! I check the coop everyday morning and evening so I know the 5 eggs were laid on the same day.
I like having over achievers!
I have a Brahma, Black Sexlink, Sussex Speckled and Partridge Rock.
This has happened to me twice now in the past month! My EE is blackish-brown with a tan head (my black and tan), and slightly barred. She skipped a day (not so unusual for her), but then when she skipped the next day, I was worried, so I checked the nesting box carefully after they had gone to roost. Then the next day there were 2 green eggs (and one brown egg - I only have 2 hens, and my red lays brown eggs). It happened again a couple of days later. The chickens had been busy free-ranging during the day, so it seems like she just held it in (couldn't be bothered to go back to the nesting box when there were bugs and worms to get!), and then dropped them both the next day. She's a couple of years old. Normally she lays 6-7 eggs per week. She skipped yesterday, so I'm curious to see if two will come tomorrow!
Definitely beyond a doubt possible. My one-year old Amercauna has been doing it for the last month, several times a week. In fact I've gotten six eggs from her the last three days. She lays them at the same time. She is my only green egg layer so it has to be her. the first few times I thought i just made a mistake but we are very good about egg collection. Then I started keeping a close watch on her (she is part of a small group we have living inside) and listening for her laying cackle. I've basically observed her laying two fresh warm eggs simultaneously three times now. Crazy! My friend who has kept chickens for years longer than I didn't believe me, but she has to change her mind. I have wyandotte pullets for the first timethis spring - sounds from this thread I may have more fantastic layers coming up. Fine with me!

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