Can quail have too much space?


Feb 24, 2022
I want to expand my quail enclosure- the idea I have in mind is to place mesh over the grass and build and run on this- allowing grass etc to grow up through the bars but preventing predators from digging in- another idea may be to place large blocks around the end of the enclosure- either way it would mean a lot of space. While trying to find ideas on what to add I’ve read if you give quail too much space they could potentially fight or become stressed? Is this true?

Also if anyone has ideas on what I can add that would be great - pictures of your set ups would be appreciated.
I’m thinking of maybe growing some bushy type plants in there? Looking for any ideas on improving their space
I want to expand my quail enclosure- the idea I have in mind is to place mesh over the grass and build and run on this- allowing grass etc to grow up through the bars but preventing predators from digging in- another idea may be to place large blocks around the end of the enclosure- either way it would mean a lot of space. While trying to find ideas on what to add I’ve read if you give quail too much space they could potentially fight or become stressed? Is this true?
This is true for too small a space. The only drawback would be the quail possibly becoming more, "wild" and secretive.
Also if anyone has ideas on what I can add that would be great - pictures of your set ups would be appreciated.
I’m thinking of maybe growing some bushy type plants in there? Looking for any ideas on improving their space
Any plants, of course, should be "bird" safe. I like your ideas; especially the mesh one. Make sure the mesh is strong and durable; long-lasting.
This is true for too small a space. The only drawback would be the quail possibly becoming more, "wild" and secretive.

Any plants, of course, should be "bird" safe. I like your ideas; especially the mesh one. Make sure the mesh is strong and durable; long-lasting.
I did think it was weird they’d fight if the space was too big. The post stated they were the opposite to chickens and needed a small space. I wouldn’t mind too much if they went a bit wild, they currently run to me when they hear me at the food bowl which is nice but not important- I’d prefer to give them more space.
Thanks- I’ll go ahead with planning their big space 😃
Is it hard to introduce new quail?
If it can be done should I stick with coturnix or can they mix with another type?
I don't know about mixing quail species, but I never had issues with introducing more quail to an existing flock. If the birds to be added were adults, I'd only add more hens, not cocks and I'd try to keep the numbers added about equal to the existing flock they were to be added to, this gives them a 'strength in numbers' equalizer. If the birds to be added were juveniles (about 3 weeks of age, when they're fully feathered out) then I would add both males and females (this would be done when I needed birds to process for the freezer or replacement breeding stock). It will be important to have several hidey-holes, bushes, and other out-of-sight out-of-mind locations in their enclosure, and if adding juveniles, having a space that only the little ones can get to that has their food and water therein will be a big plus. Having the juvenile area wired with electric and a heating plate would be icing on the cake, and peace of mind that they'll be warm at night.
If you are to lay wire mesh on the floor of the enclosure, you might consider covering that with well established sod to avoid broken toes as quail will dig and they have super long toenails. Also plan to install a good sized (large enough for at least three birds to be in simultaneously) sand bath. The bath will help them rid themselves of spent feathers and external parasites.
And, ensure that your aviary has wind breaks & deep shady spots. Quail can deal with heat, manage cold and don't seem to mind a bit of rain... they do NOT do well in full-on sun or windy conditions. Just mentioning it so that you can chew on design elements before you start building.
Gratz on more space for more birds, you can never have too many Coturnix Quail!
I don't know about mixing quail species, but I never had issues with introducing more quail to an existing flock. If the birds to be added were adults, I'd only add more hens, not cocks and I'd try to keep the numbers added about equal to the existing flock they were to be added to, this gives them a 'strength in numbers' equalizer. If the birds to be added were juveniles (about 3 weeks of age, when they're fully feathered out) then I would add both males and females (this would be done when I needed birds to process for the freezer or replacement breeding stock). It will be important to have several hidey-holes, bushes, and other out-of-sight out-of-mind locations in their enclosure, and if adding juveniles, having a space that only the little ones can get to that has their food and water therein will be a big plus. Having the juvenile area wired with electric and a heating plate would be icing on the cake, and peace of mind that they'll be warm at night.
If you are to lay wire mesh on the floor of the enclosure, you might consider covering that with well established sod to avoid broken toes as quail will dig and they have super long toenails. Also plan to install a good sized (large enough for at least three birds to be in simultaneously) sand bath. The bath will help them rid themselves of spent feathers and external parasites.
And, ensure that your aviary has wind breaks & deep shady spots. Quail can deal with heat, manage cold and don't seem to mind a bit of rain... they do NOT do well in full-on sun or windy conditions. Just mentioning it so that you can chew on design elements before you start building.
Gratz on more space for more birds, you can never have too many Coturnix Quail!
Thank you! I’d probably go with adding juveniles once I’ve figured out enough hiding places for them. The injured toes isn’t even something I thought of but I could maybe dig up some of the soil first and put extra back over the mesh. Lots to think about!🙂
The more space and hiding places that they have, the easier it is to introduce new birds. Keep to the same species. Don't put other types in for best results. Always keep an eye on things when you introduce new birds in case you have a bully. They all have different personalities and some do better than others.
I have predators here that make a good mesh floor a necessity! I found that a soft plastic coasted mesh keeps out the bad guys but doesn't bug my birds, having said that, I also cover a large area with grasses etc so they aren't on the mesh all the time. Use a really heavy duty staple gun and put the staples only a few inches apart to keep it from sagging.

The one time I had to mingle two established groups and I wasn't sure how it would go I took all the birds out of the enclosure, then introduced them on neutral territory, then cleaned the heck out of the enclosure and put them all back in. It was all new to them and the established territories were gone so it was a level playing field. Had no problems!

Best of luck with your new coop!
I have predators here that make a good mesh floor a necessity! I found that a soft plastic coasted mesh keeps out the bad guys but doesn't bug my birds, having said that, I also cover a large area with grasses etc so they aren't on the mesh all the time. Use a really heavy duty staple gun and put the staples only a few inches apart to keep it from sagging.

The one time I had to mingle two established groups and I wasn't sure how it would go I took all the birds out of the enclosure, then introduced them on neutral territory, then cleaned the heck out of the enclosure and put them all back in. It was all new to them and the established territories were gone so it was a level playing field. Had no problems!

Best of luck with your new coop!
Thank you. We’ve never had a predator problem with the chickens but it could be different with the quail so I’d like to make it predator proof from the start.

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