Can someone help tell me what breeds I have?


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
The feed store never told me last year, when I picked out of the bucket...

All the pics of the chickens are on my chicken page... I have 4 hens, and 4 chicks...

The hens all lay brown eggs.. The golden tipped ones lay lighter tan eggs and the black & White hens lay darker eggs, sometimes with speckles...

The chicks, 1 of them is supposed to lay white eggs, 2 of them green eggs, and one of them they said it may be a rooster!

Thanks for the help!!!
My guesses:

Big Momma & Henrietta look like gold-laced wyandottes.
Sandy & Blackie are barred rocks.

chicks: 1 white leghorn pullet, 1 white leghorn cockerel, and 2 possible EE's (since the feed shop predicts green eggs)?

I can't see the pics of the possible EEs well enough to predict by the look of the chicks themselves. If you can post a picture of the two that are supposed to lay green eggs (the 2 on the right), we can probably verify that for you.

If they are EEs... common traits are a pea comb, green or slate colored legs, & puffy cheeks.
ok Here is Princess:

Here is Foofa:



It seems like princesses legs are the more green/slate colored, but foofa's legs are a little more orangy.. BUT they are not as orange as the leghorns!

Thanks so much for all your help! I really appreciate it! It's fun finding out what they are :}
For the chicks, I am guessing the two with green legs are EE's (Easter Eggers) and the other two are White Rocks. Also, the one with the large, red comb is a rooster, if you didn't know already.
My guess is that Princess and Foofa are easter eggers.
My reasons:
* pea combs
* leg color
* the seller said they would lay green eggs

My hesitations:
* I can't tell from the photo whether or not they have muffs and/or beards (would show as puffy cheeks right now). Not having the muffs and beards doesn't mean they are not EEs, but if they do have them (along with the other signs I've seen), it would definitely mean a yes, they are EEs.
* I've never seen a feather-legged EE before (but that doesn't mean there aren't any).

The other two white chicks are definitely leghorns.
My reasons:
* they look exactly like my leghorns did when they were little
* leghorn cockerels are notorious for developing large combs at a very young age (like yours has)
* the seller said they would lay white eggs -- Leghorns are white egg layers - white rocks lay brown eggs

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