Can someone identify me?

I have 2 Mallards & they both had 2 eyestripes. They are definitely Mallards cuz they are barely bigger than my chickens of the same age at 2 mos old. Rouens look identical as hatchlings, but with the growth rate you are describing it's probably a Rouen. They grow much faster & get much larger than the Mallards.
I bought my two ducklings at the Tractor Supply here during chick days. They had guessed them to be Mallards. Mine looked liked that except their feet were all black. They are soo cute! It is the first time for us with the ducklings too and they follow us around constantly.
We have 3 Mallards that are about 4 weeks old now and are losing the black on their feet. Also, I have noticed that the black on two of the their bills is starting to turn yellowish. From what I have read this is normal for males. Both of these babies are crested. The one that I am assuming is a girl is not. So...are my guesses correct, or will the "little girl" also lose her beak coloring as well?
Both of my Mallards have that greenish brown tint to their bills & their feet are now yellowish orange. They look almost identical at this point except for 1 is slightly bigger than the other...has been that way since the 1st week. I'm still waiting to figure out which is which or if I have 2 of the same. I don't know how to vent sex them.
Her beak is now almost all black and her feet are almost all yellow. She eats like a pig. Growing about 1 1/2 oz a day. Her tail and wing feathers are starting to come in now. Wow she will be grown before I know it. I am so glad my kids don't eat like she does.

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