Can someone please id my rare bird

My first thought was EE pullet. I've seen quite a few EEs that do not have muffs and/or beards. I'm thinking pullet because the comb is still small with no redness yet.

I can tell one thing for SURE though, it isn't a Speckled Sussex. I have 6 SS chicks in the brooder right now--they start out with a reddish brown chipmunky look, then feather out with distinct speckled feathers. Fingers crossed you have a pullet!
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My first thought was a silver pencilled hamburg roo, but they dont sell them. It has slate legs and almost a pencilled pattern, with what appears to be a peacomb, so I am going to say easter egger, very pretty though.
Thanks for all the help! We are really hoping she is an EE, that would be really neat.
Hi, I have two chicks in the brooding box right now that I got from the feed store that looks like the way yours did when you first got it and they are Buttercups.
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I think it is a Silver Spangled Hamburg. Leaden Blue shanks - white earlobes - wait to see if it develops a rose comb to be sure.
I got one with my MM order last year that was exactly like that. It turned out to be a Roo so had to give him away.
Yours also looks like a Roo??

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