can someone tell us what these are?





Hope these pics help.

So there is no question the other guy is a rooster huh?? Can he be with the RIR? Because our mini stallion and he are getting on really well but we don't want to get rid of the RIR.

The EE whatever it is attacked and made the RIR bleed will they sort it out if we put them together or will the EE kill him?

If she starts laying we'll know for sure I guess how long will it take for her to settle?

Some one gave these guys away. So we rescued them but I don't want 3 roosters. The neighbours would kill us!!!
thanks for all the help.
The girls are very excited about getting coloured eggs!!!
Our leghorns are only a month old so it would be great if she was a hen!!!
Although with her attitude we'll ahve to build her a seperate coop or she'll murder everyone else!!
I agree with everyone, that first chicken is a rooster for sure! Do you know the age of your easter egger? Her tail looks very feminine, and her comb may be red because she is of laying age. She is probably just trying to prove her dominance which is why she is fighting with the other chickens. Just make sure the others have plenty of space to run to get away from her and they'll be fine. They need to get the dominance thing figured out which may take a few hours to a few days. Just keep an eye on them and make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.
thanks for the info. No we have no idea the ages of these two.
We had 7 Leghorn chicks we raised from a day old, now 1mo and someone gave us a juvenile RIR rooster about 10 days ago. He is with the leghorns and is doing fine. Then today at our local feedstore someone brought these in to see if they could find them a home so we took them. Nobody seemed to know anything about them just they came in together. No one knew the age, breed or sex. They are both quite docile to people. You can pick them up and cuddle them and even catch them pretty easily.
The EE is bossy over the BO but nothing like how she acted to the RIR. We have these 2 seperate and the RIR went to say hello through the wire when she attacked.
I guess we'll have to find a different home for the Buff Orpington or he and the RIR will duke it out right?
I'm sure that the EEer is a hen as well. Her comb is exactly the same as the combs on my EEer hens who came from Murray McMurray - a sort of hybrid pea/single comb thing going on. She also has nearly identical feather color and patterning as two of my hens had. Both layed a lovely green egg. Yippers!
It's hard to say how long it will take her to settle and begin laying. Each bird is different, sometimes they don't miss a beat and sometimes it takes a couple weeks or more...... But keep a sharp eye out, my easter eggers tend to enjoy finding their own "nesting boxes" and can be pretty tricky about where they lay those little colored treasures. Be sure to peek into any and all dark corners and underneath spaces.
Congrats, she's beautiful.
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I haven't had any trouble with roosters fighting too much, especially young ones. I bet you can keep them both if you want. Mostly I just see our hens running away from roosters who are trying to mate them, or sometimes I see the older hens pecking at the roosters like that smart EE you have, to show them who's the boss. I bet they'll all be fine together once they get to know each other, as long as they have enough space to run around and get away from each other if/when needed. I have around 100 roosters, and 100+ hens, and I love all the roosters just as much as I do the hens. Only once so far have we had a rooster that attacked us, and it was a polish (supposedly docile breed - go figure - so we ate him after 3 long months of enduring his attacks - he loved to attack our legs from behind - ouch!). One other time we had to put a rooster down because he was attacked by our other roosters and got an infection on his comb from the attack. Other than that one time though, our roosters haven't hurt each other other than minor pecks (you'll know if they've been fighting if you see dark red marks on their combs - which is normal during the time period when they're establishing who's higher on the pecking order). If the fighting doesn't stop after a few weeks, you might want to get rid of whatever bird seems to be causing the most trouble at that point. Most of them should get along just fine once they know each other.
really appreciate all the info. So new to these guys!!!

So no question the Buff Orpington is a rooster............ at 5.40 and again at 6.30 this morning he left fly with a set of the most beautiful crows................. LOVED it............. sadly I think the neighbours are going to be screaming at us. (ordinances aside, because he is allowed) our neighbours are the type that should be in a condo in th city.
We've kept the RIR quiet by keeping him in a darkened coop until a decent hour but it is too small for the both of them. Think we'll have to find the new guy a new home. Sad because he is beautiful and sweet.
The EE was sound asleep while he was sturtting around crowing. the mini horses were fascinated by it all. meanwhile my daughter and I were scrabbling to catch him and he is now sitting next to me in a cage while I type!!!
Top is a Buff Orpington Roo and the bottom is a EE roo. As for adding them in with your RIR roo you can try it but make sure you keep an eye on them for awhile. There will be a bit of a dust up but normally one will rise to the top of the pecking order and the others will submit. I think it can be done but you really need to have a larger run where the submissive roos can run and keep their distance from the dominate bird.

Good luck!

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