Can they eat macaroni salad?

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
Can my chickens eat macaroni salad? There is mayonnaise, pasta, peppers and cucumbers in it.

Thank you.
Mine love leftover mac and cheese and other pasta salads. They would take that stuff over BOSS anyday.
I don't think I've ever seen any 'unwanted' macaroni salad or potato salad in this house. They are big favorites. DH would probably give me a big stinkeye if I suggested giving any of that to the chicks. lol

Good to know they can eat it though, just in case...
never thought about giving a macaroni salad or mac and cheese but now that I've read I think I'll give it a try we always have leftovers of some type around here what a better way to use it up then to feed your chickens

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