Can you feed chickens uncooked rice?

Haha! It was probably created by the Church. They probably got sick of all the birds crapping all over the sidewalks on Saturdays, just in time for Sunday Church :)
I 'll let you guys argue about the rice, but I completely agree that it's not OK to feed other birds to chickens

I disagree: every Thanksgiving I give the Turkey remains to the chickens-they love it.
i must say i agree with You .................... i have not read all posts but uncooked rice can not harm a bird or chicken !! Rice is used in many poultry , pigeon feeds and other rations . This has been reported wrong for several years (how funny) Shannon

I raised a flock of 47 Banty and 5 mixed/unknown breed large chickens for several years, and fed them rice every day by hand and by scattering it in the yard morning and evening. We supplemented with kitchen scraps and cornmeal, and they scratched in the yard for the rest. They were healthy and friendly and we had plenty of eggs.
I feed my chooks with dry uncooked rice every morning and they love it. All I do is toss the rice around their runs and they scratch around all morning, love it!!!!

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