Can you help me figure out the breeds of these three chicks?


May 25, 2020
Olympia, Washington
Can you help me identify the breeds of these 6-week old chicks? I ordered five mystery female chicks from the hatchery with my gold laced Wyandottes and Marans. One is almost definitely an Andalusian, another seems likely to be a silver laced Wyandotte (and maybe a cockerel), but the other three are real mysteries.
Chick 1: Scout: she’s enormous. She started out as the littlest yellow chick and now she’s big, fluffy and cuddly. When she was little, she had a small round brown dot on her head (but it didn’t look like a cream legbar cockerel circle) and a he’s had that little tuft on her head for about a week.
Here she is at one week:

And now at 6 weeks:


Elinor: The second has feathers on her legs. Some kind of Cochin, maybe? I can’t figure it out. Her hackles are beige and white, everything else is grey and white. She’s really soft.
here she is at one week:

and at five and a half weeks:


Chicklit: The last one is in the background of that last photo. I’m hoping she’s a welsummer!
She’s turning beautiful red all over. Her breast is currently deep salmon. She’s changed so much in just the past couple of days, the “current” photo below doesn’t do her justice. She also seems to be turning lighter near her wattles.

and now at six weeks:
I think the first two could be something like olive eggers, the last looks welsummer. They all look like boys to me. Those are big combs for 6 weeks.
I think the first two could be something like olive eggers, the last looks welsummer. They all look like boys to me. Those are big combs for 6 weeks.
I’ve been a little nervous about their comb size. I have 14 chicks, and two are supposed to be cockerels. I plan to keep the nicer one and cook the other. If I go by comb size and color, there are SEVEN. These are my first chickens ever, so there’s a lot I’m still figuring out. I have plenty of space so I’ll wait and see.
Do hatcheries make that many errors on sexing often?
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I’ve been a little nervous about their comb size. I have 14 chicks, and two are supposed to be cockerels. I plan to keep the nicer one and cook the other. If I go by comb size and color, there are SEVEN. These are my first chickens ever, so there’s a lot I’m still figuring out. I have plenty of space so I’ll wait and see.
Do hatcheries make that many errors on sexing often?
Most will give a 90% guarantee. You will need to contact the hatchery to see what their policy is.

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