Can you help me find out what breed these 5-6 week old chickens are ?

We have added to the flock . A leg horn that is alittle older then the others , a buff orpington , Rhode Island red and I forget what the other is . any help ? Might be another rhode Island ?

Buff orpington and a Brown Leghorn or Welsummer

Top to bottom, Left to Right, Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Red sexlink, Brown Leghorn, Easter Egger, White Leghorn, Easter Egger.

This red one is a Production Red. Lacks the rich mahogany of a Rhode Island Red.
Thank you much Junebug . The lady I bought these newcomers from said that one of the two darker colored girl produce a dark brown egg .

Place i bought these girls from is MelodyVon Farms . Really informative and nice out fit

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