Can you help me sex my chicks?


8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
I have been reading about ways to determine cockerels from hens at early ages.
I have read, pink combs, more comb, stocky legs etc.
I can't find anywhere that actually has an identifying list.
These are my five chicks. 3 are about four weeks old and 2 are about 7 weeks now.
All are muts of EE/arucauna/RIR. Only one does not have a pink comb.
I would love to hear what you have to say. I am just learning all about chicks. Thanks so much.

This first one has the largest comb and most developed.





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I'm guessing 1 and 5 are boys. Just a guess though, I think you need to wait a couple more weeks when they develop a little more.
I read that if you hold them up with your fingers by the skin on the back of their necks, if they draw their legs up to their chest they are pullets and if they just dangle the legs they are roos. its a sort of privacy reaction and it worked for me so far.
Are you talking like you can scruff them by the neck? Does it work at this age? I just don't want to hurt them, so I am asking for sure before I do this. Thanks.
Lil'ChickFarm :

Are you talking like you can scruff them by the neck? Does it work at this age? I just don't want to hurt them, so I am asking for sure before I do this. Thanks.

I did mine at about a week old. It's not by the feathers, but kind of like the scruff. I remember that it wa a few i held in the wrong place, and I'm afraid that I hurt them. But I know that it's not hurting them and that i'm not holing them too close to their backs when the don't chirp and squirm. Now, If you have a female, she may squirm a bit, I have noticed. I am not sure if there is a certain age they have to be, I was reading an article about sexing chicks in my Backyard Poultry Magazine.​

So heres a Pic of the Article. The above picture shows a male, and the below shows a female. Now, if you can see, the person is holding the chick closer towards it's head rather than on its neck. this puts no stress on it's breathing.
Thank you for that. Mine are almost 7 and 4 weeks old. I hope their weight would not hurt them to do this.
I have silkies coming next week and I can check them out this way though. Thanks.

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