Can you make a chick friendly?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 21, 2011
oxford, Pa
I would love to make some of my chicks really friendly but when ever i hold them they peep and try to get away. Does this mean they dont like me?
Try cutting your nails
In my (limited) experience, not really.
But if you start young you'll end up with friendlier chickens! My chicks always hated being held - someone told me once that when they're growing their pinfeathers it hurts them. They do love treats though, so you might befriend them that way.

Just so you're prepared, even my calmer chicks were acting like skittish little beasts by about 10-12 weeks, but then they all got a lot friendlier around laying age (see also: egg squat). I do have one EE who was particularly awful about being held as a chick, and now she jumps the fence and comes running to meet me when I pull in the driveway. Go figure.

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