Can you put Chicks and baby bunnies together?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
i'm 13 years old and starting my own coop! I'm getting the usual baby chicks and bunny. I'm looking to get a baby silkie chick too! Can i put baby chicks and silkies and a bunny together? Thanks!
I know of people who did and it seemed to work just fine. But i would get a girl rabbit or if you get a boy make sure to get it castrated cause the intact boy rabbits will hump the chickens.
I kept my rabbits and chickens together for quite a long time. There are problems with doing so, but mostly having to do with the adult chickens eating the newly-born rabbit kits. Chickens with non-infant rabbits however, did well. I think the problem that you might face with having all the babies together is that the Silkie will be much smaller than everyone else, and could get squashed. You will also need to make sure everyone has enough of the right kind of food, and that it stay clean, as does the water.

Putting unfiltered apple cider vinegar into all of their water helps.
Keeping a good supply of clean hay out for the bunny (like in a hay rack - easy to make) will help keep its belly working properly. As long as the chicks have other food to eat they will just scratch through stray hay pieces and have fun!
Keeping the chicks' food somewhere the rabbit can't get to it will be a good idea, as otherwise it will eat it ALL - trust me, I know, lol.
Make sure the bunny has a way to keep cool as needed, away from the chicks' heat lamp. Actually, make sure everyone has a way to get away from the heat, as baby chicks need cool, fresh air too.

PM me if you want, and we can talk about this in more detail.
My rabbits and chickens ignore each other for the most part. I don't keep them together, though. I wouldn't want my bunnies to get chicken poop on them!
My rabbits and chickens ignore each other for the most part. I don't keep them together, though. I wouldn't want my bunnies to get chicken poop on them!
You know, I thought that would be a problem, but the rabbits stay very very clean. And they are with turkeys (poop monsters) right now! I think that with enough space, the rabbits stay away from poop. They are fastidious critters. I love 'em!
I love my turkeys too, but...poop monsters!

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