Can you sex chicks by rubbing them and knowing when they shake or not?


May 4, 2021
Serbia, Bačka Palanka
I just tried this with my 3 barred mixed breed chicks and only one shakes off like pullets or hens do. Other do don't. Also tried with my 5 weeks old polish and she shaked off. Is this method good for sexing baby chicks? I just first rub them under wings them around tail and once I let them go, they shake off like old ones do after mating. Here is pic of my polish chick, Im also leaning towards female because of shape of her crest. Also you can clearly see other 2 barred chicks starting to get tiny amount of pino on sides of their comb. I can get pics if anyone wants to. Thanks


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So is this a yes?
It's confusion, idk, more confusion but thinking then an ok sure we'll say it's correct.
Honestly idk because I've never tried it. I don't see chicks that young and that far from maturity either acting like a female that has just been bred or a male that has just been like wth was that?
I also don't know how exactly the op is mimicking the act. Is it enough to fool the bird into believing it was the real deal? Was there some cloacal kissing involved?
Just so many questions.
Where on earth did you read or hear about this? Ive never heard of this. Sounds like an old wives tale or someone pulling your leg.. I won't lie I laughed when I read this..I've heard of vent sexing but that is much different.

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