can you tell if I have pullets or a roo?


10 Years
Sep 12, 2009
I just got these three and hope that they are hens. They are 22 weeks... hoping that anyone can assist and assure!!!! I have gotten one egg, so I know one of them is a girl!!!
Secondly, will the RIR's darken up like ones I have seen in books to almost reddish black?




i am not a pro but they look like my red sexlink ... a cross of rhode island red with another bird so when babies are born they can tell male from female by the color... yours look female if they are the cross breed
if they are 22 weeks, they are all ladies for sure. they look girlie to me.
slender legs, squat conformation. at 22 weeks, you would have huge wattles and combs with much more red if they were males. and long legs, wider breast areas.

the RIR's will not darken up. they are Production Reds. they will, however be awesome layers!
Yea! Girl power! The two darker ones look like red sex link to me too but the buff colored pullet is a mystery... Not fluffy enough to be an Orpington.

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